ESign Integrations contains eSign integrations that allow you to request eSignatures on submitted forms

Overview allows integration with eSignature providers to capture an eSignature, a digital signature, from one or many signers. This process is customizable and works for both PDF and API forms.

The Box Sign Integration will soon be deprecated

How to use

Signature Component

To utilize an eSignature component, you need to drag and drop a Signature component from the Premium section onto a form

Doing so will open the Signature component edit modal. Clicking on the "Providers" tab will show a drop-down containing our current eSignature providers.

Current Providers:

  • Default - This is a standard digital signature that should be signed upon form submission

The Box Sign Integration will soon be deprecated

When selecting a provider other than Default, there should appear a "Signer Email" and a "Signer Order" field:

  • Signer Email - The email address of the person needing to provide a signature. This can be a string email address or an interpolated value. For example, in the above screenshot, the value is {{data.emailAddress}}. This assumes there is another component on the form whose display and API value is "Email Address". Whatever the value of this component is upon submission will be substituted for {{data.emailAddress}}

  • Signer Order - The order in which this recipient should receive an email request for signature. Example: any value between 1 and integer max value.

eSign Action

You will need to add the eSign action under the Form's "Actions" tab. This can be done by selecting "eSign (Premium)" from the drop-down on the Actions page.

The eSign action screen contains a lot of various options. Let's walk through it in depth.

  • Approvers - Recipients who need to approve a document sent for eSignature, but do not need to provide a signature. The values here can be a string email address or an interpolated value. Example values: or {{data.approverEmailAddress}}

  • Final Signed Copy Recipients - Recipients who need to be sent a copy of the signed document once signing has been completed. The values here can be a string email address or an interpolated value. Example values: or {{data.finalCopyRecipientEmail}}

  • Automatically redirect to E-Sign provider on Form Submit - By checking this box, the form will automatically redirect to the eSignature provider website upon form submission to allow the person submitting the form to provide a signature. Note that there is no redirect back to upon signature completion. You will have to navigate back to

  • Email Subject - A custom email subject to be included in the signature request email. Valid values are string values. Example: Please eSign this form

  • Email Message - A custom email message to be included in the signature request email. Valid values are string values. Example: This is my test email message

  • Name of upload PDF File - The name you wish to customize for the file when uploaded to eSignature provider. Valid values are string values. By default, if you leave this field blank, the name of the file when uploaded to the box will be the submission id. Example: My request form

eSign Integration Settings

Before you submit a form, you must make sure you have set the appropriate eSign integration settings set on your project's settings.

Last updated